jangan runsing, tajuk je BI, entry macam biasa, melayu. 'im afraid if im writing in english, the reader cant understand what im trying to write' LOL
merupakan satu badan pelajar. ala ala MPP gitu, tapi bezanya UKEC adalah di UK dan juga Ireland. tanggungjawab pun sama, jadi badan penghubung untuk pelajar dengan kerajaan malaysia
badan penghubung
jika di teliti ayat badan penghubung, betapa besarnya tanggungjawab yang perlu digalas oleh UKEC sendiri. mana taknya, kalau badan penghubung ini terputus, terkongtang kantinglah pelajar disini. memang besar tanggungjawabnya! dapat?
bukan mengutuk tapi menegur
dulu pernah nak bertanding dalam UKEC, ye lah, bab bab bertanding ni ku suka sangat. maklumlah, lepas bertanding kalau menang, dapat banyak ilmu kepimpinan. tapi cuba dengar pandangan dari beberapa orang mengenai hajat ni, dijawab balik
'ukec tu pe die?'
aik, tak tahu UKEC tu ape ke? badan pelajar lah. mungkin pelajar ni tak ambil pusing kot. errk... tapi yang jawab balik tanya UKEC tu apa bukan sorang dua, banyak yang tanyakan soalan sama. tak femes ke? ada jugak yang jawab
'takyah la berangan nak bertanding, ukec croni jeee'
alahai, pandangan negatif lagi. TAKE NOTE UKEC MEMBERS, tak pernah lagi ku tanya orang luar sana (survey sendiri) mengenai ukec, dieorang akan jawab positif SELAIN career fair. tu je dieorang tahu, dan ada jugak yang anggap career fair tu anjuran kerajaan, bukan UKEC
bukan femes yang dikejar
betul, kita bekerja bukan kerana nama, tapi dengan namalah akan buat orang yakin dengan kerja yang kita buat. tak adil kalau nama se gah ini tapi kerja yang dibuat seciput itu. ok lah, takdelah ciput sangat, nanti ceera marah plak sebut suami dia. hehe.
bertindih event
sedia maklum yang event akan bertindih jika kita tak tahu ada event lain yang dibuat. seperti di sheffield, weekend@sheffield dan di universiti lain, banyak lagi event yang menarik menarik. masalah yang berlaku sekarang, 27 hb 2 ni, ada 5 event besar yang bertindih!!
ini bukan masalah kecil!!
ku dah book event ini dengan UKEC bulan 8 lagi, tengok email ko copy paste kat bawah, dieorang pun dah stuju dengan tarikh yang kamo cadangkan
From: Boon Seong To: faridzul joe Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:36:41 PMSubject: Re: weekend at sheffieldHi Joe,Thank you for your email;. Yes, societies have to book dates with the UKEC. I have noted your booking will advise accordingly in 3 weeks time.Thank you.Boon Seong--Yang Berkhidmat Untuk Negara dan UKEC,BUILDING OUR UKEC FOR A SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW,Boon Seong, LimGeneral SecretaryUKEC 2008/2009London School of Economics and Political Science
lepas tu, bulan 1 lepas, tiba tiba ada satu lagi event yang sama pada tarikh ni. pelik, kenapa tarikh yang kiteorang dah book kena ambil dengan orang. ahaaa, nak tahu reply ape? (bendahari yang tanya balik)
Dear Farah,I hope this email finds you well. With regards to the issue that you have just raised, your society never had to 'register' events dates with the UKEC. The reason why dates of events were requested from Malaysian societies is that UKEC wishes to publish a calendar with all the dates of events so that Malaysian societies are aware of any clashes and perhaps negotiate with the other society on possibility of changing their dates. (Kindly checkwww.ukeconline. com for full details on the calendar.)Is it possible for a change in dates? Or is it impossible to change the hall bookings etc ?Do let me know if there is anything else UKEC can assistyou with. UKEC will definitely assist you in promoting this event on our website and newsletter. Do send us the promotional matterial once it is available.I hope that helps.Take care.Warm regards,Zhen Shing
note : kalau nak original copy ku boleh bagi
cuba tengok ayat never had to register. alamak, mula mula cakap kena, kami daftar. lepas tu sekarang ni dah clash, cakap tak payah daftar. ape ni????? memang ku bengang tapi bengang pun nak buat macam mana kan? cuba kalau bersikap proaktif, kes macam ni takkan berlaku. penat lelah komuti SMSA nak buat program, tengok tengok, hari tersebut ada 5 event yang sama!!!
kita terjah website ukec (klik klik)
comey je logi dia ni

waaah, ada catalyst speaker, mantap. makan free lagi. sedap dan kenyang tuuu. tapi SEMUA kat london je, perkara ni dah berzaman, cubalah ubah skit, hantar kat society society lain. baru adil dan orang akan kenal UKEC.

ni kat ruangan forum. memang kosong. sepi. entah, rakyat malaysia selaku student ramai je kat sini, tapi yang forum, kosong. takde apa yang nak dibincangkan. takkan lah exco tak perasan benda ni....
masih relevenkan UKEC untuk terus wujud?
ku cetus soalan ini hasil status senior yang tagg nama aku. hurmm, bagiku, tak releven. tapi sebab 'keadaan' yang sebegini, rasanya UKEC dan kena buat pembaharuan. macam pelik sebab kualiti student oversea, pasti lebih elok dari student local (tak berniat apa apa ok) tapi kalau tengok cara berpersatuan macam ni, malu aku nak mengaku sebagai pelajar oversea
untuk UKEC
cayalah, ku tulis semua ni bukan nak kutuk apa, memang bengang jugak pasal 27hb tu, tapi dan jadi bubur nak buat camne kan? harap sangat benda ni takkan terjadi lagi. kalau terjadi, aku akan tubuhkan council sendiri. joegrimjow council hahaha
melawak melawak jugak, perkara penting jangan lupa ambil
nota kaki : semua housemate sibuk menyiapkan report. gud luk semuaaa!
25 ulasan:
eh.. html tags tak berfungsi? malas ar ku nk edit.. ngeee
tak berbaloi
dan jangan jadi kelompok tu
ok la
ku buat entry english untuk kamo jard
kalo da jadi PM.. perkara mcm neh kacang je.. ehehe.
ermm. ruangan kosong sbb 'it's in english'? ku kopipes dari blog neh
Apa pendapat kau tentang budak-budak Melayu yang dihantar belajar ke luar negara (U.S./OZ/UK misalnya) tapi hanya berkampung sesama sendiri, hinggakan selepas grad english language proficiency masih di tahap yang sama? Berbaloikah kerajaan menghabiskan berjuta menanggung pembiayaan diorang?
haha... saja nk tau ape respon kamu..
ok cun.. hoh.. tak sia2 ku blaja html. hehe.. sila2.. =)
apa event yg sampai 5 tu?
manchester games, warwick malaysian night..lagi?
leeds, dan satu lagi kat london
leeds massoc dieorng
logo ukec tu mcm geng2 kumpulan jahat..
series gile lambang die..
macam mana agaknya logo joe council plak :P
setuju ngn joe. rasa mcm nak hembat kepala sekor2 ukec ni. boleh x joe? haha...
*melawak melawak jugak, perkara penting jangan lupa ambil*
UKEC syok sendiri :)
Soc2 lain ambil pengajaran
tak tahan part ko ckp nak tubuh council ko sniri..hahaha
aku rasa ko yg ditakdirkan buat pembaruan utk ukec ni.
ini jadi bila jawatan dipegang oleh yg bukan ahli..
akhir zaman..
xde ke org UKEC yang baca ek
Hi Joe,
Thanks for your post and please allow me to clear a few things with you.
The reason why UKEC recommends the Societies to submit dates for their events to UKEC is so that we could try our best to avoid events from clashing. That said, we will try our best in advising the Societies to schedule their events on different dates.
However, most Societies would only submit the dates AFTER they have confirmed their bookings with respective universities (for venues, for speakers etc) and at that point of time, the Societies are unable to change those dates even though there'll be events in other universities on the same day.
As you know, many Malaysian Societies are very active in organising their own events and UKEC tries its best to avoid clashes but with the limited dates available, clashes are inevitable to a certain extent.
Hope that helps in clarifying the issue.
Boon Seong
hope this entry will help u guys become MORE effective in planning and scheduling the activities, i didnt see any council that can avoid this thing happen except UKEC, my concern, do OUR job in the very 1st place
how about the complain that UKEC only held events in London? As far as we concern, UKEC is for all UK (malaysian) students. It is unfair if UKEC only organize events in London. U should reach students at the northern region too~
-my 2cents-
Dear jogrimjow,
Having read your article, I firstly have to say that you have are a very good writer. But I think one point you may be missing is that UKEC cannot simply block dates and ban societies from organising events on the same dates. What they seem to be able to do; is to inform other societies that you have planned an event on that date in the hope that the societies will take it into consideration. However as February is a very busy month; UKEC is unable to tell those other 4 events to not hold events on the 27th just because Sheffield is organising an event that day. It is up to the societies discretion whether they want to hold an event that clashes with yours. UKEC does not have the power to tell a society not to hold an event.
Dear adikeica,
While UKEC is admittedly London-centric (mainly due to the ready-made infrastructure and convenience) they have over the past year or so tried to move away from London and hold events in other regions. Events have been held in the past year in Sheffield,Newcastle,Edinburgh,Cardiff to name a few. I would like to ask if those events are near your university and if you made the effort to attend those events?
Also, I found that looking at the UKEC OGM delegates list; that Sheffield university did not send delegates to attend; a worrying trend that seems to have gone on for the last 2 years. Maybe it will be suitable for Sheffield Uni to start sending delegates to UKEC meetings to meet other societies representatives; build a personal connection and inform on events as well as showing a presence within UKEC.
Dear jogrimjow,
Having read your article, I firstly have to say that you have are a very good writer. But I think one point you may be missing is that UKEC cannot simply block dates and ban societies from organising events on the same dates. What they seem to be able to do; is to inform other societies that you have planned an event on that date in the hope that the societies will take it into consideration. However as February is a very busy month; UKEC is unable to tell those other 4 events to not hold events on the 27th just because Sheffield is organising an event that day. It is up to the societies discretion whether they want to hold an event that clashes with yours. UKEC does not have the power to tell a society not to hold an event.
Dear adikeica,
While UKEC is admittedly London-centric (mainly due to the ready-made infrastructure and convenience) they have over the past year or so tried to move away from London and hold events in other regions. Events have been held in the past year in Sheffield,Newcastle,Edinburgh,Cardiff to name a few. I would like to ask if those events are near your university and if you made the effort to attend those events?
Also, I found that looking at the UKEC OGM delegates list; that Sheffield university did not send delegates to attend; a worrying trend that seems to have gone on for the last 2 years. Maybe it will be suitable for Sheffield Uni to start sending delegates to UKEC meetings to meet other societies representatives; build a personal connection and inform on events as well as showing a presence within UKEC.
Dear Mr Boon Seong,
We do realize that UKEC could not possibly book or block the date in favour of certain university or society. What frustrated us the most was the fact that UKEC did not post our event on the calendar so that other society can take the appropriate action to prevent the clash as what has been done for the past few years.
i agree with Mal.Its not that UKEC NEEDS to tell others to STOP their event or change their date, but helps to notice others about the date is actually taken by other event, which is by publicing it in YOUR calendar.We make UKEC as our reference!So please be EFFECTIVE!
*i got nopthing to do with SG n NEXT or SMSA, but it annoyed me when thing like this happen.
* why most of the companies joining Careers Fair are those in Banking?It seems like participation from Engineering Company had been degraded.
*great to have student council in UK,but please make it worth it :)
simpleplan, we did receive the invitation from UKEC a week before the AGM itself.
just to make it clear, i did post this entry not to blame UKEC but to make this 'simple' things to not repeat anymore for coming years
But somehow you've imposed a bad image on UKEC and inviting bad perceptions on UKEC, no? You're part of UKEC as well. You're its Supreme Council. Instead of posting this matter here on your blog where I can see lots of people reading it, you should instead contact one of the UKEC members and address this matter politely to him/her. Be professional.
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