
kalau dah kaya

diambil dari ( )

Canadian money-bags Guy Laliberté, the founder of weird, postmodern, self-indulgent mime troupe Cirque de Soleil, has become the latest space tourist to jet off to the International Space Station.

But instead of taking the whole expedition extremely seriously (having paid $35m for the pleasure!) Laliberté, decided to show his complete disdain for the diligence of actual astronauts and don a clown's red nose for take-off. What a joker! When holidaying in space, Laliberté plans to broadcast a live, zero-gravity entertainment spectacular which will be streamed via on Oct. 9. Who's going to tune in?

The space capsule that he and some replacement crew are traveling in is due to dock with the ISS on Friday after blasting off from a Kazakh launch pad on Wednesday.


nak dapat se juta pun payah
apatah lagi billion
nak nak billion usd


money is not everything.....but something
quote dari orang kaya ;-)

nota kaki : 3 kerja besar... tinggal lagi 2 untuk disiapkan

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17 ulasan:

misz beauty berkata...

huh... holiday in space... gile kentang :-O

adoi lah... betambah bekobar semangat nih...

sharamli berkata...

dah kaya sgt..cmtu la jdiknya...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

ada simpan hajat ke iss joe?

Jard The Great berkata...

money is the root of all evil.. ehehe..

Azuan berkata...

oit! cam best je gie iss tue..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

bukan senang nak jadi kaya..dan mudah nak jadi miskin

chentaMAYA berkata...

kalo la gua kaye~~

Tanpa Nama berkata...


Money is important but still not everything.


green berkata...

bkn semua rezeki yg kita dpt tu milik kite..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

kaya itu best tp duit buknlh seglanya..

IkanMasin90(IM90) berkata...

money is everything lah..huahua

Qylaisqyla berkata...

siapkan kjew yang besar tu.



geeds berkata...

same larh.
agy 2 kerja perlu disiapkn.
jom lumba. spe cpt...die siap dlu larh.

lucky Mr. Laliberté~

Blog Eazy Izzuddin berkata...

kaya2 tuh..

btw joe selamat hari raya..

Syima Syaz berkata...

Sumething to buy food, pay bills, and make ppl proud of it!

myQza berkata...

aduhai.. derma kat aku je lah..

anis berkata...

kedekut tul org kaya srg nih .
die duk membzr p sana tuh wat pe .
cuba p hulur2 kat kita semua.

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