Jumaat, 3 Jun 2011

GEMPAR!! Prince William dan Kate Middleton bercerai setelah 5 minggu

LONDON—Barely a month after marrying 29-year-old Kate Middleton in a royal wedding ceremony watched by an estimated 2 billion people worldwide, Prince William announced Tuesday that he and Middleton have divorced and that the entire marriage was "a tremendous mistake in every possible regard." "I really don't know what I was thinking—we're a terrible match, I don't love her and never have, and, to be honest, I never really had any interest in being married in the first place," announced the now unattached Prince William to a dead-silent British press corps. "People thought our wedding was some sort of fairy tale, but I assure you it was all just some ghastly ceremonial farce that got out of hand. I'm just relieved it's over, frankly. And I'm glad I'll never have to see that awful woman again." Prince William then told the assembled reporters, "Well, see you all later," smiled, and walked back into Buckingham Palace.

sumber : sini


Kah kah kah

Korang tahu ke kenapa aku gelak? Aku gelak bukan sebab pasal perceraian ni, tapi pasal cerita yang tersebar luas kat internet sekarang. Prince William dan Kate Middleton bercerai!! Tapi bila tengok website mana yang publish - TheOnion.com - ceh, fake news!!

The Onion is an American news satire organization. It is an entertainment newspaper and a website featuring satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news, in addition to a non-satirical entertainment section known as The A.V. Club. It claims a national print circulation of 400,000 and says 61 percent of its web site readers are between 18 and 44 years old

Gila hebat kan?

Haha, theonion ni siap ada company sendiri tau. website dieorang ada 7.5 juta lebih UV sebulan. haha. Banyak ok. Mana tak banyaknya, memang gaya serius gila kot penyampaian cerita tu seolah betul. Sampai sekarang aku doubt, betul ke tak betul ke tak perceraian ni. heh! dieorang memang hebat.

Oklah, moral - jangan percaya cepat sangat berita-berita ni =)

Kat Malaysia pun ada, namanya Harian Metroll

pss : Esok petang nak pergi mid. woho!!

19 ulasan:

  1. pergh..mule2 macam percaye gak..hahaa

  2. perh, seyes igt btul2!ni laa entry plg sakit ati, tertipu rpnyer...

  3. @joegrimjow aku da agak dah mesti fake stories punye haha

    eh aku kt mid besok! hari2 pon aku kat midv hahaha

  4. depa baru blk honeymoon kalo silap,keh3

    menda2 royal ni kalau xde offial announcement xpayah la caya

  5. dah nama the onion news..lgsung xleh caya..hahahha

  6. ei..tak suka lah dengan onion tu..fitnah..semoga kate n willy kekal..amin

  7. Aduhhhhhh tipah dah tertipu.....

    macam yer2 jer cara dia tulis.... hua3

  8. @atikullah ismail™

    bg yg xtau
    mmg akan caye je

    contoh diri ini dulu =)

  9. tah hape2...hidup2 kena tipu!huhuhu

  10. putus urat nafas honey sesaat dua. ngeeehehe... :D

  11. Tahniah kepada pemenang!!

  12. tapi ada kuar la berita ni kat tv3 tadi..tapi diorg pun ckp tak confirm sbb takda any representative palace yang confirmkan hal ni..


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