Sabtu, 10 April 2010

contest : if i am IP MAN master, i would...

what the heck is this? click here for more


If I am Ip Man master, I would serve my readers with a plenty of foods.... !


Don't be shocked! just stay calm and read my post. Here we go!

IP MAN is one of the martial art movies that i really enjoy watching it. Who is he? According to wiki (heh, wiki always give us solution) the guy in this film based on the true story about Yip Man. Born in October 1 1983 and died in December 2 1972. Historically, he was considered as the first martial arts master teaching Chinese martial art. We are familiar with Bruce Lee rite, and indeed we know Bruce Lee more than him..and guess what..Bruce is one of his students!


The good old days

Yeah, i still remembered when i watched IP MAN with my friend. The story really touched me and inspired me to become a martial art sifu. Ooh..besides thinking there will be lots of cute girls outside there who might need my protection or my "service" as a "bodyguard"!

Sadly to say..I need to forget the dream..I had been offered a scholarship to further my study abroad. What a pity... But it does not stop me to keep practicing the martial art..and this time Sifu YOU TUBE is my favourite teacher!!!

click here to watched IP MAN VS 10 people and learn some skill.

MARTIAL art for cooking

I like cooking. This is my analogy, if u are good in martial art, like IP MAN, you will become more skillful enough to cook. Do I have the skill to cook?? It takes me 30 min to 1 hour to prepare nasi ayam. I might say I am still a novice in cooking. So if i am an IP MAN, my skill for cooking will tremendously increase so that i can serve plenty of foods in one hour and invite all my reader to eat together while watching IP MAN 2!

Fair enough?
hehe ;-)

implement martial arts in cooking = scrumptious foods ;)


i cant wait to watch IP MAN 2! thank to nuffnang and GSC-EON Bank Credit Card organaize this contest. erkk, give me free tickets please ;-)

After his victory over the Japanese General in Foshan, Ip Man moves to Hong Kong. He sets up a martial arts school to teach Wing Chun. Here, he is challenged by other kung fu masters, including Sifu Hung who masters in Hung Quan. Sifu Hung and Ip Man draw a tie in their challenge and the latter is adored as a recognized master in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, Twister, the powerful but cruel boxer champion who despised Chinese kung fu destroyed the fruit market and harassed the kung fu institutes. Twister, who also resulted in Sifu Hung’s death, then challenged the Chinese kung fu masters for a public combat. Ip was filled with grief and indignation and he decided to take up the challenge. He swore to claim back the dignity of Chinese kung fu and the Chinese people. A furious fight is about to begin…

taken from nuffnang websites

this is contest for IP MAN 2 for GSC-EON Bank. dont forget to click here for more detail

thanks for reading ;-)

26 ulasan:

  1. wah sejak bila IP Man pandai masak ni? caya lahh..

    err bagi mee goreng kurang manis dengan teh ais kurang panas...hehe

  2. Good Luck!!saye pon dah submit entry sal ni :)

  3. hehe
    sejak bile entah
    ku pon xtau

    anne, iye> gud luck ;)

  4. wow!! I like your post more!!!^^

    Good luck in winning the phone!

  5. wahhhhhhhhh, entry si pemasak.
    nice post entry in english~
    saya nak masak nasi lemak :P

  6. oh hahahah good one!

    food is important! especially free food lah !

  7. jean, thxs ;)

    dayah, dah hati suka masak. hehe

    ggk, free food always the best, LOL

  8. aiyokk..joe nk beljar martial art dari youtube?? xmustahil!! but, traditional way is the most effective and enjoyable...gud luck my frenn

  9. he and his cooking skill

    its becoming more obvious u like cooking.good2.hehe

    good luck with the contest! :)

    p/s:nice english post.

    xX ur taNah Xx

  10. yeszzaa..IP Man bleh bg mkn free la camni...moga2 kita akan dapat tket free nt...n kalo untung dpt tepon free gak..wakaakakka

  11. yeszzaa..IP Man bleh bg mkn free la camni...moga2 kita akan dapat tket free nt...n kalo untung dpt tepon free gak..wakaakakka

  12. tengok gaya si tukang masak pun,boleh buat perut lapor..

  13. haha..nice write up..

    hope you win it too~

  14. uits.
    hencek joe.
    nak rasa masakan anda.

  15. HEHE
    hope evryone will win too

  16. ko ni mwmang rajin ah masuk competition. apa kata masuk competition kat blog aku lak

  17. Walaweh.. IP Man pndai masak pulok ye.. Pes time dengar.. Hik hik.. Bagus laa pandai masak, cepat2 kawen. Hik hik.. ;p

    Gud luck joe untuk contest ni okeyh.. :)

  18. ohhohh.suka tengok orangorang yang tunggu turn nak masuk time time hero tengah lawan orang yang masuk nak serang

  19. akufobia: lol i think its pretty fake bila ada tunggu turn masa hero lawan. Mcm, if real i think sme org just main lawan je in a go! :p


  20. Cool, tak sangka chef pun bole berkung fu :D

    cek my link here

  21. joe,

    adaa sket typo la. camne bro tulis lahir 1983, tapi mati 1972 plak? hahaha kelakau la.

    abesla, sure adam menang camni. luperkan hasratmu utk menang. hihihihi! yahuu!!!

  22. haah, silap
    xpe la
    dapat tiket je


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