Jumaat, 6 Februari 2009

budusnya MAXIS

Dear En. Faridzul,

Thank you for contacting Maxis.

We refer to your query via our website in regards to your Maxis Mobile 60176050346 and would like to inform that the mentioned number has been barred since the 1 December 2008 due to non payment for the past 4 months. Kindly refer below for details:

Statement date


24 September 2008


24 October 2008


24 November 2008


24 December 2008


24 January 2009




Although there was no usage for the past few months the monthly commitment fee is still applicable on a monthly basis. We would also like to inform that you can suspend your Maxis Mobile line temporarily for a maximum period of 90 days. After 90 days, the line will automatically be deactivated by the system. However, should you require an extension on the suspension period; you may proceed with 1 of the following:

  • Downgrade the line as an active supplementary line
  • Convert the line to Hotlink 365 plan

We would also like to inform that you will not be able to make or receive calls once your line is suspended and there will be no charges incurred during suspension. Kindly provide the below details for verification and reconfirm your request before we could proceed further.

  • Maxis Mobile or Account Number
  • IC Number
  • Correspondence Address
  • Alternate Contact Number

We hope the above information is helpful and hope to hear from you soon. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 603 749 22123 or *120*123#.

ARGHHH, melayang duit 300 lebey, padahal xgune pon.

---dulu memang guna plan 30, mmg sah 30
tiba2 die call cakap mi guna value 50

---ok la kalau 50, still ok, tapi nape sampai 74 sbulan??
die cakap sebab charge, otak die charge sampai 50%????

---ok la ok la, silap mi sbb caye kat minah 2, nak terminate no r...
die ckp xley sbb alamat salah, WHAT THE FISH???

sapa2 ingat alamat mi?gtau la...mi dah bgtau alamat yg sebenar kat dia, guna ic lagi, die cakap salah. bila masa la plak duduk kat pasir mas? mi duk kat kota bharu, jaaaaauuuuuuhhhhh dengan pasir mas

ohh umiku, adakah rumah kita telah berpindah ke tempat lain? skrg nak sangat call umah, tapi xbley sbb semua ngah tdo, kul 2 waktu malaysia

cepat la jam berlalu....

14 ulasan:

  1. itulah charge tersembunyinya.....

    celcom i'm coming!! hahaha

  2. assalamualaikum..hye gfe..dayang nie..dyg xde blog la..eheheh..nnt arr buat..xde ms..nak bukak fs pon xde ms..huahuahua..pe kbr?..chat??..:)..

  3. . tuka tuka tuka. xmo da maxisss

    .wsalam, owh, lepas ni keen la strat berblog ye.hehe

  4. eheheheh..dyg xreti la nak berblog2 nih..huhuh..nnt arr kalu ade ms ek..xpela..at least dyg ade drop msg kat blog gfe..:)..

  5. my lil sister recently was kinda terkena dgn post paid phone-Umobile. prepaid lagi bes lah! tapi celcom xsure lg service nyer cmner..

  6. celcom ok je
    hampess la maxis,
    sowie la xp makan nasi lemak
    berpingpong di masjid

  7. hidden charge..hehe..sabo2..gne la celcom..my friend pn de terkene mcm nie gak..kesian gle kne byr pdhal tk gne..

  8. Assalamualaikum..
    bl nak pulang ke malaysia?
    knl aku x?

  9. well..maxis ke ape ke..kadg2 bnyk charge tersembunyi die..sy pn kena dg celcom broadband.dah r byar modem 500 br je pkai sebulan kena byar charge ntah pape..huhuhu..yg amoi kat kdai 2 pn cakap x supa bikin ma..sy geram nak bantai dg mop jek.
    anyway..ape2 pn same je..make sure kita survey dlu habis2 b4 yake dcison saya yg survey pn terkena gak.sabor jek la

  10. kekekeke, cian enchek! oic, jgn mencik2 maxis sgt..keh3~ sentap neh.. org dah la pkai maxis, celcom jrg..

  11. maxis better guna prepaid..guna celcom or digi

  12. sebab tu aku tak suka maxis. dah tau da perangai dia macam ni. mencekik darah.

    bukan maxis je bnyak lagi kalau kita tak research betul².

    yang aku tahu sekarang postpaid yang berbaloi guna DiGi. celcom pun okay jugak. sebab kalau tak guna nnt dia buat pelarasan. bayar ikut kita guna je

    kalau nak guna maxis guna prepaid. aku pun guna prepaid maxis. hotlink youth club.

  13. alahai..siannye ko joe.

    Alhamdulillah, mujurla ak still tak tergerak nk pki postpaid. xkirala mxs,clcm @ digi...

    Bgai ak, pki prepaid lg mudah, xpyh nk main2 ngn charge plan yang "tersembunyi" dorang tue..

    Ak tau ko skit ati ngn maxis joe tp klu ko nk gune prepaid ak sarankan ko pki maxis youth club sbb umo ko masih muda & plan tu amat sesuai utk ko.


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